Simple journaling prompts and tools to rewire your brain so you can create intentional results in your day
The unconscious mind controls 93-95% of what we do, including our thoughts. The unconscious mind also wants to prove us right AND takes direction well.
The app is designed to install habits using simple tools to give the unconscious mind instructions so that it can help you achieve your goals and prove you right, easily and effortlessly, so you don't have to do the heavy lifting at the conscious level.
It is like using a calculator. You give it the equation or instructions and it does a bunch of stuff in the background without you being aware of all the steps, to give you the answer or result you want.
Greater Abundance
More Confidence
More Joy, Gratitude, & Fun
A Deeper Sense of Calm & Peace
More Ease & Flow
A Stronger Sense of Self
Greater Successes
Don't be fooled by the simplicity. Change doesn't have to be hard. This app uses simple tools to give the unconscious mind instructions to achieve more of what you want in your life so that you can have a life you f@#%ing LOVE!!!
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Morning Intention Prompts
Evening Reflection Prompts
Inspirational & Motivational Topics
Guided Meditations
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Updates to Future Programs & Challenges
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